Pawan Kumar
- "Radiative interaction between the relativistic jet and optically thick envelope in tidal disruption events", Lu, W., Krolik, J., Crumley, P., Kumar, P., 2017, to appear in MNRAS
- "Fast radio burst source properties and curvature radiation model", Kumar, P., Lu, W., Bhattacharya, M., 2017, MNRAS 468, 2726
- "Stellar disruption events support the existence of the black hole event horizon", Lu, W., Kumar, P., Narayan, R., 2017, MNRAS 468, 910L
- "A universal EDF for repeating fast radio bursts?", Lu, W. & Kumar, P., 2016, MNRAS 461, L122
- "Swift J1644+57: an ideal test bed of radiation mechanisms in a relativistic super-Eddington jet", Crumley, P., Lu, W., Santana, R., Hernandez, R. A., Kumar, P., Markoff, S., 2016, MNRAS 460, 396
- "Probing Massive Stars Around Gamma-Ray Burst Progenitors", Lu, W., Kumar, P.,
Smoot, G.F., 2015, MNRAS 453, 1458
- "External Inverse-Compton Emission from Jetted Tidal Disruption Events", Lu,
Wenbin, and Kumar, P., 2016, MNRAS 458, 1071
- "Monte Carlo Simulations of the Photospheric Process", Santana, R., Hernandez,
R.A., Crumley, P. and Kumar, P., 2016, MNRAS 456, 1049
- "Radiation from a Relativistic Poynting Jet: some general considerations", Kumar, P.
and Crumley, P., 2015, MNRAS 453, 1820
- "How Bad/Good Are the External Forward Shock Models of Gamma-Ray Bursts?", Wang, X-G, Zhang, B., Liang, E-W, Gao, H., Li, L., Deng, C-M, Qin, S-M, Tang,
Q-W, Kann, D.A., Ryde, F., and Kumar, P., 2015, Ap. J. Sup 219, 9
- "A novel paradigm for short gamma-ray bursts with extended X-ray emission", Rezzolla, L., Kumar, P., 2015, ApJ 802, 95
- "Some Implications of inverse-Compton Scattering of Hot Cocoon Radiation by
relativistic jets in Gamma-Ray Bursts", Kumar, P. and Smoot, G.F., 2014, MNRAS 445, 528
- "A Small, Rapid Optical-IR Response Gamma-Ray Burst Space Observatory (The
NGRG)", Grossan, B., Kumar, P., Perley, D., and Smoot, G.F., 2014 PASP 126, 885
- "The Physics of Gamma-Ray Bursts & Relativistic Jets", Kumar, P. and Zhang, B.,
2015, Physics Reports 561, 1-109
- "Magnetic Fields In Relativistic Collisionless Shocks", Santana, R., Barniol Duran, R.
and Kumar, P., 2014, ApJ 785, 29
- "Radio Emission of the Forward Bow Shock in the Stellar Wind Model of G2", Crumley, P. & Kumar, P., 2013, MNRAS 436, 1955
- "A model for the multiwavelength radiation from tidal disruption event Swift
J1644+57", Kumar, P., Barniol Duran, R., Bosnjak, Z. & Piran, T., 2013, MNRAS 434, 3078
- "Model-Dependent High-Energy Neutrino Flux from Gamma-Ray Bursts", Zhang, B.
& Kumar, P., 2013, Physical Review Letters 110, 121101
- "Hadronic models for Large Area Telescope prompt emission observed in Fermi
gamma-ray bursts", Crumley, P. & Kumar, P., 2013, MNRAS 429, 3238
- "Inverse Compton cooling in Klein-Nishina regime and GRB prompt spectrum", Barniol Duran, R., Bosnjak, Z. & Kumar, P., 2012, MNRAS 424, 3192
- "Maximum Synchrotron Frequency for Shock Accelerated Particles", Kumar, P.,
Hernández, R.A., Bosnjak, J. & Barniol Duran, R., 2012, MNRAS 427, L40
- "Magnetic jet model for GRBs and the delayed arrival of >100 MeV photons", Bosnjak, Z. and Kumar, P., 2012, MNRAS 421, L39
- "Simulations of Accretion Powered Supernovae in the Progenitors of Gamma Ray
Bursts", Lindner, C.C., Milosavljevic, M., Shen, R. and Kumar, P., 2012, ApJ 750, 163
- "Supernovae Powered by Collapsar Accretion in Gamma-Ray Burst Sources", Milosavljevic, M., Lindner, C., Shen, R. & Kumar, P., 2012, ApJ 744, 103
- "Evidence for mild deviation from power-law distribution of electrons in relativistic
shocks: GRB 090902", Barniol Duran, R. and Kumar, P., 2011, MNRAS 417, 1584
- "Constraints on Cold Magnetized Shocks in Gamma-Ray Bursts", Narayan, R.,
Kumar, P. and Tchekhovskoy, A., 2011, MNRAS 416, 2193
- "Implications of electron acceleration for high-energy radiation from gamma-ray
bursts", Barniol Duran, R., & Kumar, P., 2011, MNRAS 412, 522
- "External forward shock origin of high energy emission for three GRBs detected by
Fermi", Kumar, P. and Barniol Duran, R., 2010, MNRAS 409, 226
- "Supernovae-induced accretion and star formation in the inner kiloparsec of a gaseous
disk", Kumar, P. & Johnson, J.L., 2010, MNRAS 404, 2170
- "Collapsar Accretion and the Gamma-Ray Burst X-Ray Light Curve", Lindner, C.C.,
Milosavljevic, M., Couch, S.M. and Kumar, P., 2010, ApJ 713, 800
- "The late jet in gamma-ray bursts and its interactions with a supernova ejecta and a
cocoon", Shen, R., Kumar, P. and Piran, T., 2010, MNRAS 403, 229
- "On the generation of high-energy photons detected by the Fermi Satellite from
gamma-ray bursts", Kumar, P. and Barniol Duran, R., 2009, MNRAS 400, L75
- "A turbulent model of gamma-ray burst variability", Narayan, R. & Kumar, P., 2009,
MNRAS 394, L117
- "Gamma-ray Burst 080319B: Evidence for Relativistic Turbulence, Not Internal
Shocks", Kumar P. & Narayan, R., 2009, MNRAS 395, 472
- "Adiabatic expansion, early x-ray data and the central engine in GRBs", Barniol
Duran, R. & Kumar, P., 2009, MNRAS 395, 955
- "Properties of Gamma-ray Burst Progenitor Stars", Kumar, P., Narayan, R. and Johnson, J., Science, vol. 321, 376, July 2008
- "Mass Fall-back and Accretion in the Central Engine of Gamma-Ray Bursts", Kumar, P., Narayan, R. and Johnson, J., 2008, MNRAS 388, 1729
- "What did we learn from gamma-ray burst 080319B?", Kumar, P and Panaitescu, A.,
2008, MNRAS 391, L19
- "A general scheme for modeling gamma-ray burst prompt emission", Kumar, P. and McMahon, E., 2008, MNRAS 384, 33
- "The Dust Scattering Model Can Not Explain The Shallow X-ray Decay in GRB
Afterglows", Shen, R-F, Willingale, R., Kumar, P., O'Brien, P.T. and Evans, P.A.,
2009, MNRAS 393, 598
- "Scattered emission from a relativistic outflow and its application to gamma-ray bursts", Shen, R.-F., Duran, R. Barniol, and Kumar, P., 2008, MNRAS 384, 1129
- "A unified picture for the gamma-ray and prompt optical emissions of GRB 990123", Panaitescu, A., and Kumar, P., 2007, MNRAS 376, 1065
- "The nature of the outflow in gamma-ray bursts", Kumar, P., McMahon, E., et al., 2007, MNRAS 376, 57
- "GRB 060313: A New Paradigm for Short-hard Bursts?", Roming, Peter, et al., 2006, ApJ, 651, 985
- "No universality for the electron power-law index (p) in gamma-ray bursts and other relativistic sources", Shen, Rongfeng, Kumar, P., and Robinson, Edward, L., 2006, MNRAS 371, 1441
- "Swift observations of the prompt X-ray emission and afterglow from GRB050126 and GRB050219A", Goad, M.R., et al., 2006, A&A 449, 89
- "A unified picture for gamma-ray burst prompt and X-ray afterglow emissions", Kumar, P., McMahon, E., et al., 2006, MNRAS 367, 52
- "Distribution of gamma-ray burst ejecta energy with Lorentz factor", Granot, Jonathan and Kumar, P., 2006, MNRAS 366, 13
- "Reverse shock emission as a probe of gamma-ray burst ejecta", McMahon, E., Kumar, P., and Piran, T., 2006, MNRAS 366, 575
- "Swift Observations of the X-Ray Bright GRB 050315", Vaughan, S., et al., 2006, ApJ 638, 920
- "Swift Panchromatic Observations of the Bright Gamma-Ray Burst GRB 050525a", Blustin, A.J., et al., 2006, ApJ 637, 901
- "Discovery of an Afterglow Extension of the Prompt Phase of Two Gamma-Ray Bursts Observed by Swift", Barthelmy, S.D., et al., 2005, ApJ 635, 133
- "The afterglow of GRB 050709 and the nature of the short-hard gamma-ray bursts", Fox, D.B., et al., 2005, Nature 437, 845
- "An unexpectedly rapid decline in the X-ray afterglow emission of long Gamma-ray bursts", Tagliaferri, G., et al. 2005, Nature 436, 985
- "An HST Search for Supernovae Accompanying X-Ray Flashes", Soderberg, A., et al, 2005, ApJ 627, 877
- "Swift Observations of GRB 050128: The Early X-Ray Afterglow", Campana, S., et al., 2005, ApJ 625, 23
- "The Swift Gamma-ray Burst Mission", Gehrels, N. et al., 2004, ApJ 611, 1005
- "Prompt Gamma-ray and Early Afterglow Emission in the External Shock Model", McMahon, E., Kumar, P.,
and Panaitescu, A., 2004, MNRAS 354, 915
- "Prompt Gamma-Ray and Early Afterglow Emission in the External Shock Model", McMahon, E., Kumar, P., and Panaitescu, A., 2004, to appear in MNRAS.
- "The Slow Decay of Some Radio Afterglows - A puzzle for the Simplest Gamma-Ray Burst Fireball Model", Panaitescu, A., and Kumar, P., 2004, MNRAS 350, 213.
- "Analysis of Two Scenarios for the Early Optical Emission of the GRB Afterglows 990123 and 021211", Panaitescu, A., and Kumar, P., 2004, MNRAS 353, 511.
- "A Unified Treatment of the Gamma-Ray Burst 021211 and its Afterglow", Kumar, P., and Panaitescu, A.,2003, MNRAS 346, 905.
- "The Effect of Angular Structure of Gamma-Ray burst Outflows on the Afterglow Emission", Panaitescu, A., and Kumar, P.,2003, ApJ 592, 390.
- "The Evolution of a Structured Relativistic Jet and GRB Afterglow Light-curves", Kumar, P., and Granot, J., 2003, ApJ 591, 1075.
- "Constraining the Structure of GRB Jets Through the Afterglow Light Curves", Kumar, P., and Granot, J., 2003, ApJ 591, 1086.
- "Creation of Electron-Positron Pair Wind in Gamma-Ray Bursts and its Effect on the Early Afterglow Emission", Kumar, P., and Panaitescu, A., 2004, MNRAS 354, 252
- "GRB021004: A Massive Progenitor Star Surrounded by Shells", Shaefer, B.E.,,2003, ApJ 588, 387.
- "X-ray Lines from Gamma-ray Bursts", Kumar, P., and Narayan, R., 2003, ApJ 584, 895.
- "Angular Momentum Extraction by Gravity Waves in the Sun", Talon, S., Kumar, P., and Zahn, J-P., 2002, ApJ Lett. 574, L175.
- "Off-Axis Afterglow Emition from Jetted Gamma-Ray Bursts", Granot, J., Panaitescu, A., Kumar, P., and Woosley, S.E., 2002,
ApJ Lett. 570, L61.
- "Properties of Relavistic Jets in Eight Gamma-Ray Burst Afterglows", Panaitescu, A., and Kumar, P., 2002, ApJ 576, 120.
- "Fundamental Physical Parameters
of Collimated Gamma-ray Burst Afterglows," Panaitescu, A.,
and Kumar, P., 2001, ApJ
560, L49
- "Observational Prospects for Afterglows
of Short-Duration Gamma-ray Bursts", Panaitescu, A., Kumar,
P., and Narayan, R., 2001, ApJ
Lett. 561, L171
- "The energy of Long-duration Gamma-ray
Bursts", Piran, T., Kumar, P., Panaitescu, A., and Piro,
L., 2001, ApJ
Lett. 560, L167
- "Accretion Models of Gamma-ray
Bursts", Narayan, R., Piran, T., and Kumar, P., 2001,
ApJ 557, 949
- "Jet Energy and other Parameters
for the Afterglows of Gamma-Ray Bursts 980703, 990123, 990510,
and 991216 Determined from Modeling of Multi-Frequency Data",
Panaitescu, A., and Kumar, P., 2001, ApJ
554, 667
- "BeppoSAX confirmation of beamed
afterglow emission from GRB 990510", Pian, E., Soffitta,
P., Aslessi, A., Amati, L., Costa, E., Frontera, F., Fruchter,
A., Masetti, N., Palazzi, E., Paniaitescu, A., and Kumar, P.,
A&A 372, 456
- "Afterglow Emission from Naked
Gamma-ray Bursts", Kumar, P. and Panaitescu, A., 2000, ApJ
Lett. 541, L51
- "Steepening of Afterglow Decay
for Jets Interacting with Stratified Media", Kumar, P.,
and Panaitescu, A., 2000,
ApJ Lett. 541, L9
- "Analytic Light-Curves of Gamma-ray
Burst Afterglows: Homogeneous versus Wind External Media",
Panaitescu, A., and Kumar, P., 2000, ApJ
543, 66
- "The Distribution of Burst Energy
and Shock Parameters for Gamma-ray Bursts", Kumar, P., 2000,
Lett. 538, L125
- "Some Observational Consequences
of GRB Shock Models", Kumar, P., and Piran, T., 2000, ApJ
532, 286
- "Energetics and Luminosity Function
of Gamma-ray Bursts", Kumar, P., and Piran, T., 2000, ApJ
535, 152
- "Source depth for solar p-modes",
Kumar, P., and Basu, S., 2000, ApJ Lett. 545, L65
- "Energy distribution of Solar
oscillation Modes inferred from Space-Based measurements",
Wooddard, M.F., Korzennik, S.G., Rabello-Soars, M.C., Kumar,
P., Tarbell, T.D., and Acton, S., 2001 ApJ
Lett. 548, L103
- "Tidal spin-up of stars in dense
stellar cusps around massive black holes", Alexander, T.,
and Kumar, P., 2001,
ApJ 549, 948
- "Gamma-Ray Burst Energetics",
Kumar, P., 1999, ApJ Lett. 523, L113
- "Line asymmetry of solar p-modes:
Properties of acoustic sources", Kumar, P., and Basu, S.,
1999, ApJ 519, 396
- "Line asymmetry of solar p-modes:
Reversal of asymmetry in intensity power spectra", Kumar,
P., and Basu, S., 1999, ApJ 519, 389
- "Angular momentum redistribution
by waves in the Sun", Kumar, P., Suzanne, T., and Zahn,
J-P, 1999, ApJ 520, 859
- "The structure of the central
disk of NGC 1068: a clumpy disk model", Kumar, P., 1998,
ApJ 519, 599
- "Dissipation of a tide in a differentially
rotating star", Talon, S., and Kumar, P., 1998, ApJ 503,
- "Possible explanations for some
unusually large velocity dispersion molecular clouds near the
Galactic centre", Kumar, P., and Riffert, H., 1997, MNRAS
292, 871
- "Localized Helioseismic Constraints
on Solar Structure", Bahcall, J.N., Basu, S., and Kumar,
P., 1997, ApJ Lett. 485, L91
- "On the orbital decay of the PSR
J0045-7319 Binary", Kumar, P. and Quataert, E., 1998, ApJ
493, 412
- "Differential rotation enhanced
dissipation of tides in the PSR Joo45-7319 Binary", Kumar,
P. and Quataert, E., 1997, ApJ Lett. 479. L51
- "Excitation and Damping of Solar
Acoustic Oscillations", Kumar, P., invited review, in "Solar
Convection and Oscillations and their relationship", eds.
F.P. Pijpers, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard & C. Rosentha, (Kluwer,
- "Angular momentum transport by
gravity waves and its effect on the rotation of the solar interior",
Kumar, P., and Quataert, E.J., 1997, ApJ Lett. 475, L143
- "Excitation of Solar Oscillations",
Kumar, P., 1997, invited review, IAU symposium 181 "Sounding
Solar and Stellar Interiors", eds. F.X. Schmider & J.
- "Asymmetries of Solar p-mode Line
Profiles", Abrams, D., and Kumar, P., 1996, ApJ 472, 882
- "Observational Search for Solar
g-modes: Some Theoretical Considerations", Kumar, P., Quataert,
E.J., and Bahcall, J.N., 1996, ApJ Lett. 458, L83
- "Nonlinear Damping of Oscillations
in Tidal-Capture Binaries", Kumar, P., and Goodman, G.,
1996, ApJ 466, 946
- "HI Observations of two Molecular
Clouds with Extremely Large Velocity Dispersions", Riffert,
H., Kumar, P., and Huchtmeier, W.K., 1997, MNRAS 284, 749
- "On the validity of the classical
apsidal motion formula for tidal distortion", Quataert,
E.J., Kumar, P. and Ao, C.O., 1996, ApJ 463, 284
- "On the Interaction of Convection
and Rotation in Stars", Kumar, P., Narayan, R. and Loeb,
A.,1995, ApJ 453, 480
- "Tidal Excitation of Modes in
Binary Systems with Applications to Binary Pulsars", Kumar,
P., Ao, C.O., and Quataert, E.J., 1995, ApJ 449, 294
- "Causality in Strong Shear Flows",
Narayan, R., Loeb, A., and Kumar, P., 1994, ApJ 431,359
- "Properties of Acoustic Sources
in the Sun", Kumar, P., 1994, ApJ 428, 827
- "Limits on Coronal Reflection
Using High-Frequency Solar Oscillations", Kumar, P., Fardal,
M.A., Jefferies, S.M., Duvall, T.L. Jr., Harvey, J.W., and Pomerantz,
M.A., 1994, ApJ Lett. 422, L29
- "Excitation of Solar p-modes",
Goldreich, P., Murray, N., and Kumar, P., 1994, ApJ 424, 466
- "Effect of Nonlinear Interactions
Among Solar acoustic Modes on p-mode Frequencies", Kumar,
P., Goldreich, P., and Kerswell, R., 1994, ApJ 427, 483
- "g-modes and The Solar Neutrino
Problem", Bahcall J.N., and Kumar, P., 1993, ApJ Lett. 409,
- "Solar Oscillations with Frequencies
above the Acoustic Cutoff Frequency", Kumar, P., 1992, invited
review, Proc. of GONG Meeting, ed. T.Brown
- "Reconstructing the Primordial
Spectrum of Fluctuations of the Universe from the Observed Nonlinear
Clustering of Galaxies", Hamilton, A.J.S., Kumar, P., Lu,
E., and Matthews, A., 1991, ApJ Lett. 374, L1
- "The Location of the Source of
High Frequency Solar Acoustic Oscillations", Kumar, P.,
and Lu, E., 1991, ApJ Lett. 375, L35
- "Implications of Solar P-Mode
Frequency Shifts", Goldreich, P., Murray, N., Willette,
G., and Kumar, P., 1991, ApJ 370, 752
- "Thermal and Mechanical Damping
of Solar p-Modes", Goldreich, P., Kumar, P., 1991, ApJ 374,
- "Excitation of Solar and Stellar
Oscillations", Cox, A.N., Chitre, S.M., and Frandsen, S.
and Kumar, P., 1990, invited review in Solar Interior and Atmosphere,
eds. Cox, A.N., Livingston, W.C., and Matthews, M.
- "Wave Generation By Turbulent
Convection", Goldreich, P. and Kumar, P., 1990, ApJ 363,
- "What are the Observed High Frequency
Solar Acoustic Modes?", Kumar, P., Duvall, .L., Harvey,
J.W., Jefferies, S.M., Pomerantz, M.A., and Thompson, M.J., 1990,
Proc. Oji International Seminar, eds. Osaki, Y. and Shibahashi,
- "Nonlinear Interactions Among
Solar Acoustic Modes", Kumar, P. and Goldreich, P., 1989,
ApJ 342, 558
- "Distribution Functions for the
Time Averaged Energies of Stochastically Excited Solar p-modes",
Kumar, P., Franklin, J. and Goldreich, P., 1988, ApJ 328, 879
- "The Interaction of Acoustic Radiation
with Turbulence", Goldreich, P., and Kumar, P., 1988, ApJ
326, 462
Last Updated September 2015