Fall 2003 Astronomy Colloquia - University of Texas at Austin |
September 2, 2003 Tom Greene NASA Ames Research Center "The Astrophysics of Protostars via IR Spectroscopy" Little is known about the embryonic stellar cores of accreting low-mass protostars. Their high extinctions(Av >= 40 mag) make them impossible to study via optical spectroscopy with even the largest telescopes. However, recent observational studies using moderate (R ~ 1000) and high-resolution (R ~ 20000) infraredspectroscopic data are revealing the first astrophysical insights into these objects. We have found that these very young stellar cores have temperatures, radii, and surface gravities which are similar to somewhat older T Tauri stars. However, protostars have much higher continuum veilings, indicating very high massaccretion rates. Interestingly, their spectra are dominated by stellar-like absorption features, and only a fewluminous objects show absorption lines which form in circumstellar disks. Protostars also appear to be rotatingmuch more quickly than T Tauri stars, so they must lose about half of their angular momenta in only about 100,000 yr. It is plausible that this can be done via magnetic coupling between protostars and their disks. These first glimpses into the astrophysics of protostars will also lead to the first ever H-R diagrams which show the true zero-points of stellar evolution. September 9, 2003 Terry Herter Cornell University "Frontier Science Enabled by a Giant Segmented Mirror Telescope" The GSMT-SWG (Science Working Group) was chartered by the National Science Foundation to "advise the NSF Division of Astronomical Sciences on a strategy for guiding federal investment in a Giant Segmented Mirror Telescope". This group has worked over the past year getting inputs from experts in science and technology in the community and from four principal private telescope design groups (CELT, Hawaii, LAT, Magellan 20), and has delivered a report to the NSF. This report focuses on (1) the forefront astrophysical problems likely to emerge over the next decade, (2) the science potential enabled by next generation telescopes, (3) design options that can achieve that potential, and (4) technologies that must be advanced or developed in order to realize viable telescopes at acceptable cost. Some highlights of this report will be presented. September 16, 2003 David Spergel Princeton University "First Year Results from WMAP: Implications for Cosmology & Inflation" The Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) has made an accurate full-sky measurement of the microwave background temperature and polarization fluctuations. I will review how these measurements probe both the physics of the very early universe and the basic properties of the universe today. The WMAP measurements rigorously test our standard cosmological model and provide an accurate determination of basic comological parameters (the curvature of the universe, its matter density and composition). When combined with other astronomical measurements, the WMAP measurements contrain the properties of the dark energy and the mass of the neutrino. The observations also directly probe the physics of inflation. I will conclude by discussing prospects for future CMB experiments. September 23, 2003 Xiaohui Fan University of Arizona "Probing the Cosmic Evolution with the Highest Redshift Quasars" I will present studies of the highest redshift quasars discovered from the data taken with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. These most distant quasars provide one of the best probes to the high redshift universe. I will present results on the evolution of their luminosity function, their possible connections to high redshift star formation, and the ionization state of the IGM at z > 6 revealed by the quasar absorption lines. I will discuss how to use these objects to probe the end of the reionization epoch. . September 30, 2003 James Graham UC Berkeley "Star Formation in Super Star Clusters" Stars do not form in isolation, but in clusters that span a broad spectrum of masses. These clusters are thought to be the building blocks of galaxies. Thus, understanding cluster evolution, specifically their dissolution by internal and external forces, is one of the keys to understanding the origin of stellar populations within galaxies. The discovery that star formation in starburst galaxies is concentrated in numerous, bright, compact knots of stars therefore ranks amongst the most important made by HST. Dubbed super star clusters (SSCs), these parsec-sized associations probably formed in a manner approximating an idealized instantaneous burst of star formation. Imaging with HST/NICMOS and high resolution infrared spectroscopy at the Keck Observatory of individual SSCs yields masses (10^4 - 10^7 solar masses) and sizes (a few pc) reminiscent of globular clusters, leading to the suggestion that the most massive SSCs may be their progenitors. October 7, 2003 Doug Richstone University of Michigan "Things Invisible to See: Supermassive Black Holes and the Evolution of Galaxies" Stars do not form in isolation, but in clusters that span a broad spectrum of masses. These clusters are thought to be the building blocks of galaxies. Thus, understanding cluster evolution, specifically their dissolution by internal and external forces, is one of the keys to understanding the origin of stellar populations within galaxies. The discovery that star formation in starburst galaxies is concentrated in numerous, bright, compact knots of stars therefore ranks amongst the most important made by HST. Dubbed super star clusters (SSCs), these parsec-sized associations probably formed in a manner approximating an idealized instantaneous burst of star formation. Imaging with HST/NICMOS and high resolution infrared spectroscopy at the Keck Observatory of individual SSCs yields masses (10^4 - 10^7 solar masses) and sizes (a few pc) reminiscent of globular clusters, leading to the suggestion that the most massive SSCs may be their progenitors. October 14, 2003 Ray Jayawardhana University of Michigan "Exploring Young Brown Dwarfs" Brown dwarfs, which straddle the mass range between stars and planets, appear to be common both in the field and in star-forming regions. Their ubiquity makes the question of their origin an important one, both for our understanding of brown dwarfs themselves as well as for theories on the formation of stars and planets. I will present new results from a multi-faceted observational program that provide valuable clues to the formation and early evolution of sub-stellar objects. In particular, based on measurements of disk frequency in the infrared and accretion signatures in the optical, I will discuss whether young brown dwarfs undergo a T Tauri-like phase and if so how long that phase lasts. I will also show that surface gravities and effective temperatures of very low mass objects can be well determined from a multi-feature analysis of high-resolution spectra in comparison with the latest synthetic spectra. Their masses and radii can then be derived by combining observed photometry with synthetic fluxes, inferred gravities and known cluster distances. Two of our Upper Scorpius targets appear to be isolated planetary mass objects (`planemos'), with masses ~6 Jupiters. Our results, together with recent detections in other young clusters (by other groups), suggest that such objects may not be rare and raise questions about their origin. October 21, 2003 John Kormendy University of Texas at Austin "Scaling Laws for Dark Matter Halos in Late-type and Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies" We study the systematic properties of dark matter (DM) halos in late-type and dwarf spheroidal (dSph) galaxies using published decompositions of rotation curves V(r) into visible- and dark-matter contributions. Rotation curve decomposition becomes impossible fainter than absolute magnitude M_B ~ -14, where V becomes comparable to the velocity dispersion of the gas. To increase the luminosity range further, we include virial central densities of dSph galaxies, which are physically related to spiral and irregular galaxies. Combining these data, we find that DM halos satisfy well defined scaling laws analogous to the "fundamental plane" relations for elliptical galaxies. Halos in less luminous galaxies have higher central densities rho_0, smaller core radii, and smaller central velocity dispersions. Scaling laws provide new and detailed constraints on the nature of DM and on galaxy formation and evolution. Implications include: 1 -- A single, continuous physical sequence of increasing mass extends from the lowest-luminosity galaxies known, i. e., dSph galaxies with M_B ~ -7.6, to the highest-luminosity Sc galaxies, which have M_B ~ -22.4. 2 -- The high DM densities in dSph galaxies are normal for such tiny galaxies. Since virialized density depends on collapse redshift z_coll, rho_0 is proportional to (1 + z_coll)**3, the smallest dwarfs formed at least Delta z_coll ~ 7 earlier than the biggest spirals. 3 -- The high DM densities of dSphs implies that they are real galaxies formed from primordial density fluctuations. They are not tidal fragments. Tidal dwarfs cannot retain even the low DM densities of their giant-galaxy progenitors. In contrast, dSphs have higher DM densities than do giant-galaxy progenitors. 4 -- The fact that, as luminosity decreases, dwarf galaxies become much more numerous and also more nearly dominated by DM raises the possibility that there exists a large population of objects that are completely dark. Such objects are a canonical prediction of cold DM theory. If they exist, empty halos are likely to be small and dense -- that is, darker versions of Draco and UMi. 5 -- The slopes of the DM parameter correlations provide a measure on galactic mass scales of the slope n of the power spectrum, |delta_k|**2 proportional to k**n, of primordial density fluctuations. We derive n = -1.9 +- 0.2. This is consistent with the theory of cold DM. October 28, 2003 Joshua Bloom Harvard-Smithsonian CfA "Cosmological Gamma-ray Bursts: Perspectives and Prospects" The rapid progress toward an understanding of the progenitors of gamma-ray bursts has forged the exciting possibility of using the bursts as probes of the universe. While the application of the apparent standardizable energy of the bursts to measure fundamental cosmological parameters has generated considerable interest, I show that their cosmographic utility is limited. One promising avenue is in the probative value of GRBs for the study of metals and dust in distant galaxies. I will discuss an initiative, ramping up for the new Swift satellite, to capitalize on the complementarity of GRBs to quasars as well as my automated survey of burst afterglows at infrared wavelengths. November 4, 2003 Josh Klein University of Texas Dept. of Physics "Unraveling the Solar Neutrino Problem at the Sudbury Neutrino Observatory" Thirty years ago, Ray Davis and his colleagues hoped to learn something new about the Sun by observing its neutrinos---particles which interact so weakly that they travel from the solar core to the Earth undisturbed by any of the intervening matter. What Davis found was a surprise: while he could see the neutrinos, there were far fewer of them than predicted by models of solar energy production. While this was ostensibly a `setback' for solar astronomy, it was a great opportunity for particle physics, because it raised the possibility that the apparent deficit was the result of new properties of neutrinos, and that the studies of the Sun could elucidate those properties. Six experiments followed Davis's, and all saw a neutrino deficit and found---even more suggestively---that the deficit was energy-dependent. The most natural explanation for all the results was that the electron-flavor neutrinos produced by the Sun were changing into another (unobserved) flavor before reaching the detectors on Earth. The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) was designed to determine whether this hypothesis was correct, by directly comparing exclusive measurements of the flux of electron neutrinos with the inclusive measurement of the flux of all neutrino flavors. SNO's recent results in fact do show a significant difference between these two measurements, providing direct evidence that neutrinos from the Sun do change flavor. In addition to causing us to re-think our fundamental ideas about neutrinos, these results allow us to re-start the project Ray Davis began: using neutrinos to understand the Sun. November 18, 2003 Paolo Padoan NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory "Supersonic MHD Turbulence and the Problem of Star Formation" This talk presents an approach to the problem of star formation based on the study of supersonic MHD turbulence. I will present recent results on the statistical properties of supersonic MHD turbulence, such as the energy spectrum, the velocity structure functions and the PDF of density. I also review methods of comparison between numerical experiments and observational data (radiative transfer of molecular emission lines and thermal dust emission). Based on such comparison, the interstellar medium may be used as a laboratory for supersonic turbulence. I will then address the issue of magnetic support of clouds against gravity and discuss the idea that the mass distribution of stars may be understood as a consequence of supersonic turbulence. December 2, 2003 Harriet Dinerstein, Neal Evans, Amy Forestell, Claudia Knez University of Texas at Austin "Women in Astronomy, 2003" On June 27-28, a meeting was held in Pasadena on "Women in Astronomy II: Ten Years After", under sponsorship from CalTech, NASA, AURA, AAS and others - see website at http://www.aas.org/%7Ecswa/WIA2003.html. (Ten Years After" refers to a meeting held at the Space Telescope Science Institute in 1992 - http://www.aas.org/%7Ecswa/bc.html.) The fraction of astronomy graduate students who are women has risen to 30% nationally and an actual majority of AAS members in the age range 18-23 years are female, yet this influx of women has not yet translated into proportional participation at higher levels. The four of us who attended the Pasadena conference will summarize what we heard there, and suggest stratagies to address the outstanding issues and to improve the position of UT in this area. Back to Colloquia Webpage Page last modified 12/9/03 |