![]() January 17 | ![]() Robert Benjamin U of Wisconsin-Whitewater GLIMPSE: Recent Results on Galactic Structure from the Spitzer Space Telescope I present Spitzer/GLIMPSE (Galactic Legacy Infrared Midplane Survey Extraordinaire) results on the global variation of the mid-infrared stellar and diffuse emission over 220 square degrees of the inner Galactic plane from 10<|l|<65 degrees and |b|<1 degree using IRAC. Principle results include the following: (1) variation of source counts indicate the Galaxy has a radial scale length of H_*=3.9 +/- 0.6 kpc; (2) there is stron evidence for a Galactic bar with half-length R_bar=4.4 +/- 0.6 kpc, tilted by phi=44 +/- 10 degrees; (3) a major spiral arm of the Galaxy appears to be missing, (4) source counts are depressed even at 4.5 microns by extinction associated with molecular gas; (5) diffuse emission in all four bands is dominated by star formation regions; and (6) there is a significant range in diffuse band rations: [4.5]/[3.6] varies by a factor of ~10 along the Galactic plane, while [8.0]/[5.8] (the most tightly correlated bands) only varies by a factor of ~2. |
January 24 | Michael Muno UCLA Dead Stars Do Tell Tales: Chandra Observations of Dense Stellar Systems With its sub-arcsecond resolution, the Chandra X-ray Observatory is for the first time revealing large populations of white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes located in dense stellar systems. In this talk, I will present Chandra observations of the central 100 pc of the Galaxy, and the massive (10^5 Msun), young (4 Myr) Galactic star cluster Westerlund 1. I will describe how we are determing the natures of the X-ray sources using a combination of comparisons to local Galactic X-ray sources, theoretical population synthesis models, and searches for multi-wavelength counterparts. I will also describe two surprising results. First, we have discovered that X-ray binaries are highly concentrated in the central parsec of the Galaxy, and we suggest that they were formed through three-body interactions between stellar binaries and a population of stellar-mass black holes that has settled into the deep gravitational potential of the supermassive black hole Sgr A*. Second, we have discovered a slow X-ray pulsar in the star cluster Westerlund 1, and established the progenitor to this neutron star was surprisingly large, with an initial mass of at least 40 Msun. These results have inspired various theoretical speculations that I will discuss throughout the talk. |
January 31 | Juntai Shen, Harlan J. Smith Fellow University of Texas at Austin Dynamical Studies of Two Common Features in Disk Galaxies: Warps and Bars The first part of my talk will be on the formation of galactic warps through an idealized form of cosmic infall onto a disk galaxy. We can obtain warps that closely resemble those observed, and their line of nodes generally forms a loosely-wound leading spiral in agreement with Brigg's rules. I will focus on the mechanism of the warp formation and show that the leading spiral arises from the torques from the misaligned inner disc and its associated inner oblate halo. Warps formed this way are not strongly damped by the halo, therefore can persist for a few Gyrs, by which time another infall event can be expected. I will also discuss a systematic study of the effects of central mass concentrations (CMCs) on bars with N-body simulations. We find that bars are more robust than previously thought; the central mass has to be as large as several percent of the disk mass to completely destroy the bar on a short timescale. For a given mass, dense objects cause the greatest reduction in bar aplitude, while significantly more diffuse objects have a lesser effect. Our findings show that neither typical supermassive black holes in spirals nor typical central molecular gas concentrations should weaken the bar significantly within a Hubble time. If time permits, I may also discuss some on-going work on making double-barred galaxies in N-body simulations, and show that these interesting features may actually be pulsating. |
February 7 | Mariangela Bernardi University of Pennsylvania Clues to the Formation of the Most Massive Galaxies in the Universe I will report on two complementary samples of the most massive galaxies in the Universe. One sample has the largest reported velocity dispersions in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. The objects in this sample potentially harbor the most massive black holes in the Universe. The other is a sample of what are traditionally thought to be the most massive galaxies: brightest cluster galaxies. These are, in fact, rather different types of objects. The objects with the largest velocity dispersions tend to have smaller than expected sizes---they are the densest early-type galaxies. In contrast, the BCGs tend to have larger than expected sizes. Both these samples appear to be slightly more homogeneous than the bulk of the early-type galaxy population. I will discuss the implications for models of how these objects formed. |
February 9 | Scott Chapman California Institute of Technology Galaxy Evolution, Near and Far Understanding galaxy evolution means moving beyond simply categorizing high redshift galaxy populations at various wavelengths. I highlight detailed astrophysical information we are obtaining from studies of the z~2.5 submillimeter-selected galaxies (SMGs), placing them in an evolutionary context, discussing their duty cycle, and including the delayed buildup of their supermassive black holes. I will also address how detailed 'archeology' of Local Group massive galaxies like Andromeda and the Milky Way can provide complementary diagnostics of the formative processes of galaxies. |
February 14 | Emanuele Daddi National Optical Astronomy Observatory The Old and the Unborn: Early Type Galaxies at High-z The formation and assembly of massive early type galaxies is a central problem for galaxy evolution. Recently we have shown that massive galaxies are common in the field all the way to redshift at least 2-3. They come in two main flavors: red and old galaxies and vigorous dust-reddened starbursts, both of which are thought to be progenitors of local massive spheroids. While old/passive galaxies provide constraints on the earliest episodes of star-formation and on the mechanisms needed to terminate it, massive high-z starbursts allow us to directly probe the assembly and stellar formation processes. I will present recent results from our ongoing efforts to characterize the properties and nature of sources, using Spitzer and other facilities, and will discuss how they relate to some of the current predictions of galaxy formation theories. |
February 21 | Eric Ford University of California at Berkeley Planet Formation and Extrasolar Planets: What have we learned? What lies ahead? For centuries, our knowledge of planetary systems and ideas about planet formation were based on a single example, our solar system. During the last thirteen years, the discovery of over 150 planetary systems has ushered in a new era for astronomy. I will review the observed properties of extrasolar planetary systems and discuss how the surprising diversity of extrasolar planetary systems is revolutionizing theories of planet formation. Despite rapid observational progress, many fundamental questions remain to challenge astronomers and excite the public for many years to come. I will conclude with a discussion of observational techniques that will eventually allow astronomers to address questions that humans have pondered for millennia. |
February 23 | Milos Milosavljevic California Institute of Technology The Future of Massive Black Hole Studies I will present a vision of the future of the research into the cosmic origin of massive black holes. We have grown accustomed to finding black holes at the centers of most galaxies in the observable universe. The epoch and circumstances of their formation remain unknown. The gravitational binding energy in black holes exceeds that in virialized baryonic structures, which suggests a profound influence of black holes on galaxy formation. Our understanding of the formation of small galaxies, which are the building blocks of structure in the universe, is severely incomplete, in spite of the recent successes in the modeling of groups and clusters of galaxies. Here I focus on several developing directions of inquiry. I discuss the interactions of multiple black holes sharing the same galaxy as predicted by hierarchical structure formation, the dynamical interactions of massive black holes, the conditions for black hole coalescence, and the implications of coalescence (or lack thereof!) for massive black hole populations and for precision cosmological measurements. I argue that the research into the origin of massive black holes will shift to petite objects in small galaxies, paralleling a similar trend in galaxy surveys. |
February 28 | James Muzerolle Steward Observatory Probing the Initial Conditions of Planet Formation in Inner Protoplanetary Disks The study of primordial disks around young low-mass stars is essential for our understanding of both star and planet formation. A natural outcome of the initial collapse of molecular cloud cores, disks may be the primary conduit for stellar accretion while also providing a suitable reservoir of dust and gas from which planetary systems can form. I will review recent observations and modeling of the inner 0.1-10 AU of protoplanetary disks, focusing on three key aspects: (1) accretion and the star-disk interface, where measurements of mass accretion rates help to trace the evolution of the gas content of disks; (2) the structure of the planet formation region of disks as revealed by infrared excess emission from dust, in particular highlighting recent results from the Spitzer Space Telescope; (3) the timescales and mechanisms of primordial disk dissipation and their connection to planet formation processes such as grain growth, planetesimal coagulation, and core accretion. I will discuss future follow-up observations that will build on these recent advances and further elucidate how common may be solar systems like our own. |
March 2 | Jenny Greene Harvard University The Synchronized Growth of Black Holes and Galaxies While black holes are apparently a ubiquitous component of the nuclei of local spheroids, their role in galaxy evolution remains largely unknown. Due to the observed tight correlations between black hole mass and both the galaxy bulge luminosity and stellar velocity dispersion, it is now possible to infer black hole masses for active systems. Although these masses suffer significant outstanding uncertainties (and potential biases), we are now in a position to track the evolution of black hole mass density in a model-independent way. We may further begin to associate black holes of particular masses and growth rates with the gas fractions, stellar populations and structures of their host galaxies, to test whether bulges are indeed growing with their nuclei. I will focus specifically on the surprising result that even bulgeless galaxies may host supermassive black holes. Although the structures of these galaxies indicate a very different formation scenario than classical bulges, they nevertheless obey the same scaling relations between black hole mass and stellar velocity dispersion observed in spheroids. These small galaxies host the least massive supermassive black holes known, and thus provide one of the only observational constraints on the initial mass distribution of black holes. |
April 4 | Ewine F. van Dishoeck Leiden Observatory Chemistry in Evolving Protoplanetary Disks Most pre-main sequence stars are surrounded by disks with sizes and masses comparable to those of our own primitive solar system. While much attention has been paid to the analysis of continuum data, line observations can provide important complementary information on the physical structure and chemical composition of disks. High-J lines of CO and other simple gas-phase molecules (including deuterated species) have been obtained with submillimeter telescopes to constrain the temperatures and densities, as well as the chemical abundances. The presence of ices in the cold outer layers is suggested by recent Spitzer, ESO-VLT and Keck mid-infrared spectra, whereas surprisingly large amounts of hot gas rich in organic molecules are found in the inner disk of at least one object. The results will be discussed in the context of models of flared and non-flared disks and their evolution from protostellar regions to the debris disk phase. The importance of new observational facilities, in particular ALMA, Herschel and JWST, will be emphasized. |
April 18 | Joel E. Tohline Louisiana State University Population Boundaries for Galactic White Dwarf Binaries in LISA's Color-Magnitude Diagram When LISA (NASA's planned Laser Interferometer Space Antenna) is fully operational, astronomers will have an unprecedented opportunity to study the properties of thousands, if not millions, of double white dwarf (DWD) binary systems throughout our Galaxy. We will show how the gravitational-wave strain-frequency diagram, which is usually used by physicists to illustrate LISA's expected capabilities, can be used as a "color-magnitude" diagram for studying the population distribution as well as the evolution of DWD binaries. Our present theoretical understanding of how DWD binaries evolve as they lose angular momentum through gravitational radiation can be used to map out distinct population boundaries in LISA's "color-magnitude" diagram. LISA should find that DWD binaries that are presently in a phase of stable mass-transfer populate a region of this diagram that overlaps, but is much more confined than the region that is populated by detached, inspiraling systems. LISA should also be able to identify DWD systems that are progenitors of Type Ia supernovae. |
April 25 | Gary Hill and Phillip MacQueen University of Texas at Austin Status Report on HETDEX We will provide a brief update on the status of the HETDEX project, presenting definition and modeling of the survey, technical progress on the HET Wide Field Upgrade and VIRUS, and a discussion of cost and fundraising. We encourage a discussion following the presentation of parallel scientific projects that will be enabled by the huge HETDEX dataset. |
May 2 | John T. McGraw University of New Mexico The Quest for Precision Ground-Based Astronomy: The CCD/Transit Instrument with Innovative Instrumentation (CTI-II) Precision ground-based photometric and astrometric measurements enable new astrophysical research programs. The CCD/Transit Instrument with Innovative Instrumentation (CTI-II) is the second generation of a 1.8-m stationary, meridian pointing telescope fundamentally capable of millimagnitude photometry and milliarcsecond astrometry. The optical design for this telescope is complete, and an innovative focal plane mosaic including real-time focus feedback is being finalized. We discuss the telescope system design considerations, support instrumentation and calibration techniques that allow this precision, even for measurements made through Earth's turbulent and turbid atmosphere. Ancillary instrumentation Y includes optical and structural metrology and monitoring instruments, an atmospheric extinction li and a system of cameras capable of providing real-time extinction measurement The CTI-II data, approximately 200 Gbytes nightly, will enable a large number of astrophysical research programs including Galactic astronomy based upon motions and parallaxes of stars in the solar neighborhood, discovery and synoptic monitoring of variability in the cores of galaxies, and the discovery of targets of opportunity based upon either luminosity variability (e.g. supernovae) or motion (e.g. asteroids). |
May 5 | Naoki Itoh Sophia University Seeing Galaxy Clusters Through Cosmic Microwave Background: Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect Sunyaev and Zeldovich predicted in 1972 that microwave background photons coming from the direction of galaxy clusters will show spectral distortion due to the Compton scattering by high-temperature electrons that exist in the galaxy cluster plasma. This phenomenon has been observed by Gull and Northover in 1976. Recent Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect observations with the use of interferometric telescope arrays by University of Chicago group led by John Carlstrom have revolutionizedthe field. By this method detailed Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect maps of about 60 galaxyclusters have been obtained by University of Chicago group. Many forthcoming Sunyaev-Zeldovich survey observation projects of galaxy clusters will reveal thousands of galaxy clusters and will shed light on the evolution of the universe. On the theoretical side, accurate relativistic corrections to the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect have been calculated by our group as well as some other groups, thus enabling the precision theoretical treatment. These relativistic corrections are essential for the forthcoming high-frequency observations of galaxy clusters. |